Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Welcome, family & friends!

Hello, everybody! With us on the left coast, and y'all all over the place, we thought we'd use this blog to share all the latest news and updates on Kid A.

As most of you know, he or she is scheduled to make his or her appearance on September 25, 2007. Today, the bean is 24 weeks along -- that's more than halfway, but with a good bit of time left to go.

We're trying to figure out where to put the crib and other paraphernalia soon to be donated by Paul & Amy (thanks a million, you two!), deciding when to buy another car, and making sundry other arrangements and plans -- it's amazing how much ag a seven-pound human can stir up, doncha know.

Someday soon, we're going to register for whatever we don't get handed down from family & friends -- most likely at Target and/or Babies R Us, depending on what we wind up needing, so if anyone's asking you, tell them THANK YOU!! and we will get to that part soon, we promise.

Meanwhile, check in on us every now and then -- posting will be more frequent (if shorter!) when we get closer to D-Day, and of course there will be photos and other good stuff when we have anything like that for ya.

Please post comments whenever you want -- we'll see them all, we promise. But it's no good asking for shots of LLM's midsection -- that ain't gonna happen. Nothin to see here, folks, move it along ...


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