Wednesday, July 16, 2008

End of an era -- and ever onward!

This weekend, we retired the black-white-and-red Gymini play mat -- Annika is far too mobile to need it now, plus she's just totally over it.

But I want to say to all new and expecting parents: This is one baby gear item that has been worth its weight in gold for us -- a real All-Star. It was a safe place to park her, it taught her some hand-eye coordination (or at least the concept that her limbs, when moved, could cause actions, such as jangling the toys hanging from the arches), it got her to roll over (because she'd spy something she wanted), it was good for chewing on, it was minimal/psychological support when she started sitting unassisted, and finally it was a home base for all her toys in the living room. It is lightweight, portable, takes up very little space when folded -- it went with us in an overstuffed Prius on several trips (including to the Russian River and to Scotts Valley) and kept her little body off of many a dubious floor (like, um, our own filthy carpet). I'll be buying it as a gift at every chance in future -- I couldn't recommend it highly enough!

Current Fave Raves, according to Annika:
--strings, cords, shoelaces
--filthy things (bathroom floor, your shoes, the bit of floor at the foot of the garbage can)
--whatever is on top of a table, any table
--plums (she went nuts for the one I cut up for her yesterday)
--shrieking (sudden and heart-attacky for the grownups, pure fun for her)
--stealth crawling (fast, silent, done with clear intent)
--riding in the stroller outdoors (all four limbs extended to the sky, the wind in her hair, delight upon her face)
--gymnastics on our bed
--paper (crinkly, goes straight into her mouth)
--my hair
--bouncing to music


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