Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Quotable Annika

"Let's work out! I wanna do the workout with the blue lady."
In re: a workout video I have; the blue lady is Michelle Dozois, who wears a blue top in this particular vid. Annika likes her because "she's really nice and says 'You can do it!'" She loves doing these videos so much that I bought her a set of 2 lb. weights, which she was over the moon about. 

"Mommy! Why doncha give us some fresh beats for dancin around the room?"
Courtesy of Biz Markie (who introduced the concept of "fresh beats"), the Pee-Wee's Playhouse theme song (to which the beatboxing was added), and a turbo-blast of enthusiasm for dancing since we had just learned she'd be able to participate in her dance recital after all (I thought we were too late).

--Her, declaratively and completely out of the blue: "You can't fart on an airplane."
--Me: " .... huh? You can't?"
--Her: "No! It would be stinky for everybody around you. But you can fart on the playground. Cause then it just goes into the air." 
--Me: "That's ... good to know."


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