Sunday, May 15, 2016

March 2016

Family Fun
—The most important movie night:
We finally decided both kids could handle it, and they were both begging for it … so we closed the drapes, covered the entryway, and fired up the movie screen for Star Wars. Wooooooooo!!!!! Both kids loved it, neither were too awfully scared (although I think they missed the burnt skeletons at Aunt Beru & Uncle Owen’s place), and now they want to see all the rest of the movies! Yes!!! A new generation learns the ways of the Force!!!
—Aunt Lesley visits: My sister came out for a few days on her spring break, which included Easter Sunday; she dyed 36 eggs with us, and witnessed the hilarity of our annual egg hunt the morning after the Easter Bunny came. It was great having her here; the kids love their “Aunt Weswey” (Lukas’s rendition). 
—Theo’s party at Happy Hollow: Eleni’s younger brother Theo, who is in kindergarten, loved hanging out with Lukas at our house, so he invited us to his birthday party at Happy Hollow; we all went, including Aunt Lesley. Annika had a blast running around with Sydney — including riding the little roller coaster for the first time, and Lukas spent over an hour in the giant play structure (climbing ropes, big slides, nets, passageways, etc.). 
Lukas Life
—Lukas goes to Little Gym:
That boy needed a place to spend some of his maniac energy, and to do flips and jumps somewhere other than our living room, so I signed him up for Little Gym on Tuesday mornings. He LOVES IT, loves it loves it! Yay! Kid Fearless, that one …
—The Dark Side: Lukas got into some serious behavior issues this month, including 1) sneaking down stairs to steal candy from the pantry in the middle of the night, and lying about it, and 2) wiping poop from his own butt on the living-room furniture. On the plus side, it’s clear that Hershey’s Kisses don’t trigger his milk allergy, but on the other hand: NO. So he lost his treat for two weeks, and his allowance for one, and we have started to lock the pantry at night, among other things. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

Action Annika
—Monterey Bay Aquarium field trip:
The second grade went to the MB Aquarium, and she requested specifically that I *not* go with them as chaperone. I am still not sure why, but I am trying to encourage her independence, so I agreed. She had a great time, wasn’t worried or scared at all … so, I guess it was a good call!
—Sleepover at Sydney’s: Speaking of independence, it’s apparently the Era of Sleepovers; she was invited to Sydney’s, and once again had a blast. The only thing I really worry about, now, in re: these parties, is what I always worry about anyway: head lice. Hahahah! [but really] 


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