Wednesday, March 4, 2020

September 2019

School Stuff
Annika’s first report card came home this month — and it was straight A+ all the way down! We made sure to tell her we didn’t expect that same result every single time forever, but also that we were super, super proud of her and how hard she worked to get those grades. By this point in the school year, we’d more or less settled into an afternoon routine, whereby I leave the house at 2:40 or so, meet Lukas at the door of this classroom and take his stuff, then let him horse around on the playground till about 3:45 when it’s time to go pick up Annika, and we get home about 4:15. I can’t see a way to avoid this enforced downtime, either; it’s not really enough time between pick-ups to do anything, and if I insist on going straight home, then I’ll just have a restless monkey or an iPad zombie in the house, so …
Friends and Fests
As usual, September was a busy social month for us all, beginning with a Labor Day weekend that was mostly just us in the pool and grilling (but included Annika going to her friend Aino’s for a birthday sleepover, and a visit to the Villages to see Grandma & Grandpa and bring them lunch). I took Lukas to Jacob W’s birthday party at the cabana club near the school (still plenty hot even mid-month); the next day, we all met up with the Patels again and walked to the Almaden Art & Wine Festival for a hot, sweaty day of day-drinking and bouncy-house bouncing. Anne and I took a girls’ trip to Seattle over a long weekend (yet another place I think I could happily move to!), and as soon as I got back, it was time for …
Disneyland 2k19, part II
For what we now think of as our “usual” trip to Disneyland over the kids’ fall break (LOL OMG), we flew out midday Sunday. We ended up upgrading to 5-day passes on the first afternoon (for $30/each, whaaat), basically so that we had somewhere to go when one of the hotel restaurants set off the fire alarm throughout the hotel, but also so we could do recon on the newly-opened Star Wars land. We got the absolute thrill of flying the Millennium Falcon — but of course, there’s more to come in the October post!

Quotable Lukas
—“I’m starting a dental practice.”
(randomly declaring his intentions)
— "I was havin the BEST dream!” (blissed-out sleepy boy, on waking)
—“Mason: Trick-shot guy. Ethan: Gamer guy, like me.” (assessing our Sauce friends)


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