Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Champion baby!

This baby, this is the Best Baby Ever. You know what she did this weekend? She went to Massachusetts with us, and except for a touch-and-go period three hours into our six-hour flight home, she totally held her stuff together. Here’s what she did and how it all went down:

--Went to daycare on Thursday, always a draining experience.
--Got packed into the carseat and hauled to the airport that evening.
--Was delayed 1.5 hours.
--Got on the red-red-eye to Newark airport. Slept the whole time, even through some really unconscionably loud announcements from the pilot in re: such fascinating and important topics as the weather.
--Was hauled all around Newark airport and into a rental car, then driven almost four hours to eventual destination, which was way out in the Berkshires.
--Took a monster nap in a very loud crib while we napped in our bed.
--Put on her party clothes (a super cute dress given to her by Grandmother Hilton) and charmed the everlovin socks off a very crowded and spirited roomful of people at the rehearsal dinner.
--Slept allll night long, waking at about 8:00, then went back to sleep for three more hours while we did same.
--Hung out with us while we ate at a cute lunch place in the boonies.
--Toured the town of Great Barrington, Mass., in her stroller.
--Made the trip back (another 20 mins. in the carseat!), then took another good nap.
--Hung out happily while we got dressed up for the wedding.
--Charmed the socks off of the babysitter hired for the occasion by the bride & groom.
--Met us, still awake at 1:00 a.m., when we came home; ate, then slept like a log till we got up at 11:30 a.m.
--Went to brunch (which we missed, but that was our fault) and charmed the socks off a bunch more people whom she hadn’t met yet, then lunched with us at a brewpub and took dessert at an ice cream place. More time in the carseat, for all of these events.
--Long nap.
--Dinner out at a pizza place.
--Took a header off the very high bed and onto the hardwood floor. Much crying (her) and panicked, guilty freaking out (us), but not a mark on her and she was fine after awhile.
--Excellent sleeping, sunny demeanor for the trip back to Newark the next morning – another four hours in the car, including the Cross-Bronx Expressway and the George Washington Bridge.
--Planned two-hour wait at airport became three and a half, plus another 45 minutes once we were on the plane and fifteen or so waiting for a gate at SFO (for a total delay of 2.5 hours added to the six-hour flight), then took a taxi home. Too tired even to eat her vegetables at 9:30 p.m., she went to bed and slept till 6:00 this morning, then went down again for nearly two more hours.

She is the best baby ever. We are rewarding her extraordinary patience and sweet behavior with a promise not to make her go anywhere for the next little while!


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