Saturday, February 27, 2010

Drive-by update

Alphabet soup
Don't know where she got this idea (maybe from the time we tried to play a game on, but she's been taking all her magnet letters and putting them in a bowl and calling it "alphabet soup." It is beyond hilarious, like a lot of stuff she's doing these days.

More self-sufficiency
While I was getting dressed to go to the store with her, I told her to go choose a pair of socks for herself. She took off for her room, pulled out the drawer, got a pair of socks, and brought them back. She said, "I got one pair of socks, only one pair. Not two pairs, not three pairs, not 'o' pairs. One pair only." (the "o" was undoubtedly because of the stuff with the clock, and how you say "seven-oh-three" instead of "seven-zero-three," and it just about floored me.

The Evil Empire
The talking Darth Vader mask that's been in the hallway for several years has finally had an effect on her; she used to tell it good-night, but a couple of weeks ago, she had R. move it into a bedroom closet. She told us "I don't wanna see him. I don't like dat Vader." Smart kid.

The quotable Annika

  • "I'm so tired of dis game." (When she's done playing a game she chose, like three minutes ago.)
  • "I wanna go somewhere." (This morning, when she was getting bored of her toys.)
  • "Dose are not-OK grapes." (Separating out for disposal the slightly aged, puckery-ended ones from the more sprightly ones, which she ate happily.)


At February 27, 2010 at 9:26 PM , Blogger Amy said...

Um, unlike her cousin, who slept with the Darth Vader mask in the bed when she got it because she loved it so much. Creeped me out, but not her!


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