Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Quotable Annika

Her version: 
--hibbit (aka habit)
--granilla (aka granola)
--Sadsquatch (aka Sasquatch)
--brownd, crownd, etc. (aka brown, crown, etc.)
--mai-tai (aka tie-dye)

Unique phrasing: 
--a nut of peanut butter (quantity!)
--That is the rule and the law. (very serious pronouncement about very serious things, like seatbelt-wearing)
--hotel house (where we stayed in -- or as she puts it, at -- Hawaii)
--marry with (her phrasing of to marry, or be married to)

Be careful what you say around her, because she will pick it up: 
“That is a bad man and a bad President. He made the earth dirty and he left a BIG MESS for Obama to clean up.” 
--re: My George W. Bush-with-devil-horns mug, a sort-of gag gift from a friend


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