Wednesday, February 11, 2015

January 2015

Things and whatnot
—My birthday:
My 41st was a great opportunity to not cook, to get a delicious chocolate mousse cake, and to get presents after dinner with the fam. Not a milestone birthday, but a good one nonetheless.
—Kyle reappears: After some 10+ years without seeing each other, we got a visit from Kyle, R.’s friend from all the way back in 3rd grade. He met the kids, showed us all pictures of his own, and went out to dinner with R. and I in downtown San Ho. It was really, really good to see him and catch up on each other’s lives, and we hope it’s not nearly that long will we get together again.
—Ian and Kusum visit: Months ago, Kusum had the great idea to put something on the calendar for the middle of January for us all to hang out, so we did, and it actually worked! Their family came down from Marin, we enjoyed some beautiful midwinter weather (out in the play structure, and walking in the park), and had a fantastic dinner (Kusum’s pav bhaji + some adult beverages and my homemade cookies). Excellent day all around. 
Home and school
—100 Days Smarter:
Annika’s school makes a big deal out of “100 Day,” aka the 100th day of classes. For her 100-Day project, she chose to make an Elsa (from Frozen) on a poster board and draw one hundred snowflakes with glitter glue. It was 100% her idea, and so original! I helped with the execution (bought felt and tulle for the dress at Michael’s, suggested marking the locations of the 100 snowflakes with pencil first, etc.), but she was the GC, foreman and journeyman worker of the entire project. Awesome!
—“Guys working”: Lukas, still fascinated by the crews of “guys working” (STILL) in our house, spent some time one morning hiding around the corner of the living room and popping out with a roar to scare the cabinet installers. They loved it, and played along till we left. He talked about scaring the “guys working” all day long.
—Another lost tooth: Annika lost her 8th (we think?) tooth this month — one of the front left ones that was getting crowded out by her new permanent teeth. The Tooth Fairy did her thing, and she got to share about it at school, so she was happy.

Quotable Kids
—Annika, dismissively, re: flower allergies:
”I’ve been smelling flowers [and not being allergic to them] for 53 years."
—Lukas, the backseat DJ: “Mommy, put dat 'Wed it go' song on the radio when we get back in the car again, OK?"
—Lukas, note-perfectly bossy at dinnertime, to Annika: “Honey, eat your tweat."
—Lukas, asking sweetly in a whisper for a treat he knows he won’t get: “Mommy, I want to tell you something into your ear.”


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