So according to the Internets, Annika is showing all the signs of developmental readiness for starting finger foods. Probably we could have done this sooner, but we are reluctant to change her clothes eighteen times a day, so we have kept the feeding within our own control up to now ... but them days is past.
Today we embarked upon
Operation Finger Foods, Phase: Watermelon. Why watermelon? Because it was on the list (you know, on the Internets), it's delicious and nutritious, I figured it would sort of dissolve in her mouth, it would be cold and therefore good for soothing the teething gums, I found some lovely deep red organic (of course!) watermelon at the farmer's market store near us, and by the time I had it and everything else I was buying at the grocery stores on the way home from work yesterday, I had no room or carrying strength for the big damn box of Cheerios. Sheclacky!!!
I would describe it as a marginal success. I cubed up some pieces, no bigger than a Cheerio, and offered them to her in a repurposed baby food container. I demonstrated the pincer grip, and got a cube into her mouth. On her face: the oddest look you have ever seen ...
She gummed it for awhile, then jammed her whole hand into the baby food container and squitched around in there till she got hold of a couple of chunks, which she squeezed and examined but didn't put in her mouth. I tried again, only to find the original chunk still in there, somewhat mashed. But she let me give her a couple more, making that odd face still, so ... I guess she doesn't hate it! We will try again this afternoon, and meanwhile, I'm'a get some Cheerios and maybe some avocado.