Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This post's title courtesy of the little darling's favorite phrase these days ... you can imagine how much we love that. Oi.

Hand, hand, fingers, thumb
Random new skill: Counting on her fingers! She can use the correct digits to indicate one through five -- she's waaaay past counting up to five, of course, and has been for many months, but it's a pretty neat new thing to be able to hold up a "four" or whatever.

Mmmmm, pickles
She likes pickles now -- specifically, the awesome wonder that is Best Maid Sour Pickles! I'm the only one I know that loves these incredibly sour, tart (AMAZING) things, except now we are a party of two. She'll eat a whole one by herself -- doesn't want a piece, or a bite of yours. She wants her own. That's my girl!

Always a pretty verbal little girl, Annika has lately started narrating what's going on and what just happened, like the other night when we were getting ready for bed: "I brush my teeth, and den take off my clothes and slam-dunk em, and den Daddy say go to de bass, and I take a bass and I play wiss de duckies and de pitcher and de washcloff, and den I go in Annika's room and get my jammies on and den I kiss Daddy night-night and I read a story wiss Mommy and den anudder story wiss Mommy. Lucky lucky Mommy's turn." She's pretty unreliable when you ask direct questions -- no telling what she'll say went on at babyschool that day, or whether she's telling you something that happened a year ago or to someone else or in her own head -- but damned if she's not right about the real-time reportage.

Like in the previous post, Annika is a regular Brill Building all by herself -- everything's a song (up to and including GO AWAY). She wakes up singing nearly every morning, she makes up her own original ditties, she puts in new words to old tunes, she does mid-song mashups and endless medleys, she'll bust out with "I love rock 'n roll" or "Don't bring me down!" at random moments -- it's all good. And she loves music of any kind, wherever she hears it; one funny one recently was when she and I went to the city on Saturday (trains, doncha know), and there were some scruffy mid-20s hipstery guys playing country-rock something-or-other in the BART station -- she got so psyched, she was dancing and yipping, and just loving it. When she had worn herself out a little and it was time to go, I gave her a dollar to go put in the guys' guitar case, and they were so amused & charmed, they almost lost the trail of the song. It was SO CUTE!

Thanks to R.'s efforts, we had a little Easter egg hunt in our house -- the weather was wintry and terrible, so we stayed in, hiding plastic eggs filled with various treats just before she woke up Sunday morning. She didn't quite totally get the concept -- she LOVED finding the eggs, but stopped actively looking for them after about a dozen. And she opened them up as she found them, instead of collecting them all and opening them all at once, so the hunt took awhile. But she did get one concept without having to be told: The little chocolate eggs, the Nerds, etc., she called Treats, and consumed immediately. The raisins, Cheerios and dried plums were instantly classified "Bunny Treats" -- as in, for bunnies -- and ignored. Heh.

The quotable Annika
--"Look, Mommy. I got money."
--"Oh, yeah? How much?"
--"Sixty bucks. Jess bout sixty bucks."

Friday, April 2, 2010

And then I about died of laughter

On being told for the ten hundredth time to climb up into her highchair for lunch today, Annika sang, to the tune of ELO's "Don't Bring Me Down":

Get in yo chair!
Mommy tell you once mo
Better get in dat chair
Get in dat chair

[little "chh chh" sounds to indicate the drum break]