Friday, December 31, 2010

The Quotable Annika

-- “Dinosaurs will bite you!” (a monthlong unit on dinosaurs at babyschool ... heh.)

-- “Hey -- that’s Grandpa’s!” (in re: the bottle of vodka I took out of the freezer while she was having her dinner; we rarely if ever have cocktails before she’s in bed, but the rule doesn’t apply to Grandpa -- and this was months after his last visit)

-- “enamames” (the little beans inside cooked green beans -- which she’s calling “edamame” when she strips them out to eat them separately, because that’s what those look like)

-- “Guys Building” is what she calls Holmes on Homes, a family favorite TV program in our house. She’ll say stuff like “Those guys built it wrong. Guys building fix it RIGHT!” and the other day, warned that she could break the crib rail if she kept kicking it like that, she countered “That’s OK, Mike Holmes will fix it.”

-- “Mommy’s Restaurant”: aka our kitchen and her high chair. It’s funny ... but arrgh.

-- “When I’m twenty, I can have a beer.” “I don’t like beer. I’m a too little girl.”

-- “Contaments” -- aka “continents,” which applies equally to states, countries, and actual continents; they’re doing a unit on this at babyschool.

-- “I’m really good at puzzles.” Damned if she isn’t, too -- it’s been kind of astonishing to see how good she is at putting together 50-piece puzzles by herself this holiday. I didn’t know she could do them before now!

-- “the haircut store” -- where you go to get a haircut, of course!


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