Sunday, September 2, 2007

Exhaustion + cash outflow = house readiness

So, yesterday we went to Target (aka Hell's Anteroom -- never go there on a Saturday if you can possibly help yourself -- it's a lawless jungle where humanity goes to display its worst) and Babies R Us (a relative oasis of calm and quiet) to spend a whole bunch of money on things we haven't gotten from the registry that we feel we should have at the house before the kid arrives (medicines for me & baby, diapers, changing table pad, bath and bath accessories, etc.). We ended up scoring a glider/ottoman combo at BRU, the cheapest one in stock, which was 20% off that day, plus they took these two coupons we had gotten in the mail -- a good deal, and now we have a chair in the kid's room; R. put it together in about 20 minutes, and then, on a handyman's high, he fixed our doorbell (involving replacement of rusted-out wires and janky jerry-rigged electrical tape), which has been out of commission for like two years. We already ordered the changing table and diaper pail from (both were online only), and my mom's getting us the carseat, base & stroller -- YAY! So, while we're still missing a few things, and could very much use gift cards and whatnot (tell all your friends! heh), we're closer to ready than we were on Friday. Today I've been washing many loads of bedding and clothing, and R. has been Germanizing the garage (no small task, I assure you) so that we can actually get to the bins of B-man and Babygirl's nicely-sorted clothes. Is it too early to go to bed yet?

Now to buy a car or two and pick out some names ...

Oh, and in other news: Our friends Kent & Kylie last weekend announced they're expecting -- due date March 7. Too bad for them, we already snagged all the good hand-me-downs from our mutual friends who have older kids, but they should do OK. ;-) You snooze, you lose.


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